Ballet Teacher, Master Instructor and Professional Ballet Dancer
I recently moved to Hoboken and look forward to becoming a part of the local arts community here in the near future. It's a pleasure also to be part of the Women in Business Council and the Chamber of Commerce. I look forward to bringing ballet to the forefront in many ways that I can as a dance teacher and as an arts enthusiast.

Thinking about business obstacles... When I was dancing, I auditioned for a dance company, commercial, show etc. and either got the job or not and then went to the next audition. It is still the same today, but dancers and teachers have to market their skills much more. You're a product for sale. The industry is vast and while confident about my teaching abilities, there is a plethora of talent out there. I am not comfortable "talking my self up" agressively and tend to shy away from opportunities that require me to, so I rely on recommendations from colleagues for networking. After months of procrastination and knowing I needed a website to help promote my teaching, I finally gave the green light to friend and colleague Elizabeth Barry of EB&A to design and build it. I couldn't be happier and it opens up so many more opportunities for me to work and communicate with students and teachers all over the U.S.
The thing that gets me up in the morning and going to work is that I'm in the arts. I am driven by my passion to teach and inspire future dancers and patrons of the industry.
My favorite part of my job is seeing the positive results of hard work, discipline and dedication from my students blooming before my eyes, and it's an honor to be a part of that process... a student's growth as a technician and artist.
Jamie's favorite restaurant in Hoboken is: Even though I don't get there often, I love Augustinos.
Ballet Miss Jamie's favorite Hoboken hang out is: The river front parks/piers. The view of Manhattan is spectacular day or night. Pack a picnic, find a bench, rock or a patch of grass and you've got the greatest seat and view in the world.
Her favorite Frank Sinatra song: Summer Wind
Being that Hoboken is famous for baseball, Jamie is a huge fan: "I am a Yankee fan... but of course!"
Jamie's theme for Hoboken the city is: "Hoboken, The Greatest City to view the Worlds Greatest City from."
Have a daughter or son that's interested in intermediate or advanced private ballet lessons in Hoboken? Jamie teaches with the most esteemed studios in NYC as well including The Ailey School and Broadway Dance Center. If you're a fan of So You Think You Can Dance, Jamie is the instructor for Top 6 Finalist, Jess LeProtto of this past season's show. She's been working with him for years and you can find his raves about her teaching at
Wooo hoo